We are thrilled to announce auditions for our 2025 Junior and Senior Companies!

SENIOR COMPANY: 9th Grade and Older

JUNIOR COMPANY: 6th-9th Grade

These companies are intended for dedicated students who have a serious interest in performing and growing as dancers, singers and actors. Our companies meet every Saturday morning and work on projects specifically for Company members. This spring, our companies will each perform 1 full show as well as other opportunities only open to members of the company.  The season’s company commitment is February 2025-June 2025.


Senior Company – Saturdays from 11:00-1:00pm
Junior Company – Saturdays from 9:00-11:00am

Company rehearsals will begin on Saturday February 22nd

A preliminary rehearsal and performance schedule for both companies can be found here. Additional rehearsals may be added and a full schedule will be sent once our full companies have been determined.

AUDITIONS: In order to audition, please submit the audition form below and send a video of you singing a full length musical theatre song. Videos can be submitted to [email protected]. Once your audition video has been submitted, we will send you a company calendar to look over and will ask you to send back any conflicts you have with the company schedule.

*Please submit all videos by Wednesday February 19th, 2025*

COMPANY FEES: $375.00 at first rehearsal then $100 monthly March-June.

This monthly fee covers the show fee for all performances as well as all rehearsals and any other performances throughout the season.

Questions? Email us at [email protected]